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Leica APO-Summicron-M 35mm f/2 ASPH. Sample Images

March 4, 2021

Ahead of our full review, here are some sample photos taken with the new Leica APO-Summicron-M 35mm f/2 ASPH. lens.

The Leica APO-Summicron-M 35mm f/2 ASPH. is a compact 35mm prime lens for Leica M series, Leica SL2 and SL2-S cameras.

A gallery of sample images taken with the Leica APO-Summicron-M 35mm f/2 ASPH. lens.

These photos were kindly provided by Leica.

Leica APO-Summicron-M 35mm f/2 ASPH. JPEG Images

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